Monday, October 20, 2008

Reasons I will not be watching the World Series

#1: Games that take place at 8 pm in Florida begin in the Netherlands at 2:00 am.

#2: Sure, the Rays are an "exciting", "young" team... but their age is most evident through their choice of batter's box music. After only a few games against the Rays, I began longing for Carlos Peña's at-bat salsa music as a welcome escape from the thudding R&B/hip-hop clips chosen by the other 8.

#3: I've seen too much of that 9=8 thing and am mathematically confused enough as it is.

#4: There just aren't enough players that interest me. Ryan Howard and Jimmy Rollins are cool, I guess, but not enough to trump reason #1.

#5: Despite the A+ I received on my literature mid-term (which I would gladly trade for a pennant), I have an awful lot of school work to catch up on. I'd rather spend my free time re-watching baseball classics, like Jon Lester's no-hitter (courtesy of iTunes).

Or I could spend the time choosing a Dominican League team, such as Las Águilas Cibaeñas (Dominican League). Or los Tigres. I know they're essentially the Yankees of the DR, but they've got Wily Mo Peña and Yordany Ramirez!

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